Freedom Warrior

Dear readers, friends, family, and angels,

I am relieved and pleased to announce the release of my next book, Freedom Warrior. This memoir, a series of snapshots centered around my attempt at discovering freedom, has been in the works for many years. I am really proud, and really scared, to put this book baby into the world.

It’s important to me as a writer and artist to push creative limits in my work. This book was written in scraps over the light of dawn, in furious bursts of inspiration at writing retreats, and mainly and importantly, in journals I’d kept throughout my life. It is a nontraditional memoir, told in nonlinear memories and ideas, during a time when I grappled fiercely with my Higher Power’s plan for my life.

In 2016, just after Follow That Arrow came out, my partner was deployed overseas. You may remember that my daughter Ella was born in April of that same year. This meant that I found myself raising an infant alone in a new city. It was not exactly the free wheeling life I wanted. I knew there was a lesson here, that I was meant to grow, thrive and learn from this experience. What I didn’t know is that I would be completely transformed, reborn even, in the process.

Throughout that deployment year, I began pouring over my old journals, searching for threads, for meaning, for anything that would lead me along. This book is the result of that search, in which I allowed myself to be led by a power greater than myself. I found acceptance and a deep knowing while writing this, a knowing that I have all that I need.

My hope is that you will join me in this transformative journey by reading the book and writing in the companion journal. The journal contains related writing prompts and is meant to be read side by side with the book. It’s important to me that each reader knows that this book was written for them, which is why the journals are hand bound. This means that each cover was stenciled, glued and cut by me, and the inside pages are stitched with a needle and thread. Through journaling of your own, I hope that you can make meaning from your own unique story.

You can purchase Freedom Warrior directly from me, from the publisher, on Amazon, and from many other online retailers. It is also available as an ebook on your kindle and other ereading devices. The companion journal is only available from myself or the publisher in limited edition.

Thank you in advance for your support,


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Gwen Van Velsor